What if I already record garden butterflies?
There are several different schemes, locally and nationally, to record butterflies. We don't want you to enter your garden butterfly sightings more than once. Not only is this extra effort for you but it also creates duplicate records. So, if you take part in the Garden Butterfly Survey you do not need to put the same sightings into other recording systems. Your Garden Butterfly Survey records will be passed on to Butterfly Conservation's local branches and County Recorders, and made accessible to Local Environmental Records Centres. Our advice is to choose one scheme for your garden sightings.
An exception is the Big Butterfly Count – you may want to take part in this annual snapshot survey from within your garden. Please do, but don’t enter the same count into the Garden Butterfly Survey as well. Or alternatively you could take part in the Big Butterfly Count from other locations.
If you previously participated in the Garden Butterfly Survey from our old website (2016-2022) you will need to register again on this new site, thank you for your support and for joining again. Note, when you sign up (and within your Account edit settings) there is an option for requesting your old Garden Butterfly Survey records to be added into your new account. This option will be available until 31st March 2022 and after that date we will transfer data for those who have requested this with a matching email address. Your old records should appear in your new account later in spring 2022.
What if I already record garden butterflies?